Sunday, 22 de December de 2024 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 24 - nº 1319

N.Y. Times closes environmental desk


The New York Times is dismantling its environmental desk and reassigning the journalists and editors to other departments, according to a report.

Managing editor for news operations Dean Baquet told Inside Climate News that this is entirely a “structural” matter and not connected to budgetary concerns. Baquet said no one should be out of a job because of this shift and that the paper has not “lost any desire for environmental coverage.”

The decision to close the desk was made because environmental reporting today is not “singular and isolated” as it has been in the past and it now requires “people working on the different desks that can cover different parts of the story,” Baquet told Inside Climate News.

The New York Times has not yet returned POLITICO’s request for comment.