Wednesday, 18 de December de 2024 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 24 - nº 1318

Pesquisa identifica comportamento dos usuários do Twitter

Nove em cada dez usuários do Twiter utilizam o sistema de micro mensagens para cessar noticias, e 74% deles o fazem de forma regular diariamente. É o sistema preferido pelas pessoas cm menos de 35 anos para acessar notícias e ¾ dos usuários seguem jornalistas, comentaristas e formadores de opinião.

É o que mostrou uma pesquisa feita pelo American Press Institute em colaboração com a empresa Twitter reunindo 4.713 pessoas, das quais 469 não usam o sistema de micromensagens. A principal conclusão do estudo, avalisado por Tom Rosenstiel, é a de que o Twitter passou a ser a principal fonte de acesso as noticias de atualidade (hard News).

Veja a seguir as principais conclusões (em inglês) do estudo que está disponível aqui em versão PDF:

Among the findings from the study:

  • Nearly 9 in 10 Twitter users in the study (86%) say they use Twitter for news, and the vast majority of those (74%) do so daily.
  • Roughly the same number of people say they use Twitter to be alerted to breaking news (40%) as to keep up with the news generally (39%).
  • Three quarters of Twitter news users follow individual journalists, writers and commentators (73%) and nearly two thirds follow institutional accounts (62%). Twitter users also are very likely to discover new journalists and writers and consequently follow their work, often on other platforms beyond Twitter.
  • Fully 94% of Twitter news users get their news either through scrolling their timelines or browsing tweets of those they follow. Other features are used far less often: For instance just 34% of Twitter news users say they get news from trending topics and 30% use search.
  • 82% of Twitter users access the platform on their phones and many access Twitter across multiple devices.
  • A majority of non-Twitter users (51%) have seen tweets. 45% on TV, 33% from friends, 27% in news articles they read, 22% from going to without signing up, 12% from search and 8% in a newspaper.

Twitter funded the study but granted API researchers independence to develop the survey questionnaire. DB5 conducted the survey between November 23 and December 15, 2014 and tabulated results. API analyzed the data and produced this written report. All topline results with questionnaire are available to the public, as well as a more detailed methodology.