Wednesday, 18 de December de 2024 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 24 - nº 1318

O futuro da comunicação e do desenvolvimento em debate

As perspectivas futuras da comunicação e do desenvolvimento em escala planetária serão o tema de um evento acadêmico reunindo profissionais, estudantes de mestrado e doutorado, bem como pós graduados , na City University of London, entre os dias 20 e 21 de janeiro de 2016.

O evento é uma promoção do Centre for International Communication and Society (CICS) e o programa inclui a apreentação de papers que serão discutidos entre os participantes. O objetivo é produzir uma reflexão coletiva  em nível de pós graduação. Os interessados em apresentar trabalhos podem obter mais informações no site do CICS. Os resumos dos trabalhos (abstracts) serão limitados em 300 palavras e serão recebidos até o dia 5 de janeiro.

Os debates serão centralizados nos seguintes temas:

– Estruturas teóricas na abordagem de temas relacionados à comunicação e desenvolvimento;
– Questões de gênero e os programas de desenvolvimento; Abordagens em direitos humanos;
– O papel das organizações de pesquisa e ONGs, dos governos e dos mercados no desenvolvimento;
– Movimentos sociais e democracia participativa;
– Papel futuro dos paises do grupo BRIC e estudos regionais;
– Desenvolvimento sustentável ; desenvolvimento e democratização.

A seguir, mais detalhes (em inglês) sobre o evento:

Confirmed speakers

– Professor Toby Miller, Institute for Media and Creative Industries, Loughborough University in London
– Professor of Journalism, Ivor Gaber, University of Sussex, and the UK’s representative on Unesco’s Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communications
– Shakuntala Banaji, Programme Director for the MSc in Media, Communication and Development’ in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE
– Jairo Lugo-Ocando, University of Sheffield, Lecturer and former foreign correspondent 
– Daya Thussu, Professor of International Communication and Co-Director of India Media Centre, University of Westminster
– Jean Chalaby, Professor of International Communications, City University London 
– John Lloyd, Senior Research Fellow at Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford
– Dr Carolina Matos, City University London
– Professor Petros Iosifidis, City University London
– Dr Dan Mercea, City University London
– Winston Mano, Director of African Media Centre and course leader of the MA in Media and Development, University of Westminster

Organisation and participants

This conference takes place over the course of 2 days and includes talks by keynote speakers working in the field of media and development, international journalism and communications, cultural studies and sociology. There will be different workshops sessions where postgraduate and research students would have the opportunity to give papers and present their work. The conference is organised by the CCIS at the Dept. of Sociology, but also welcomes the participation of other departments at City, including International Politics and Creative Industries, which has recently joined the Sociology Department, as well as Journalism. The conference includes the support of some of our university partners, such as Loughborough University, the CAMRI Research Centre at the University of Westminster; Media and Communications, LSE; the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, City University and the University of Sussex. Speakers include academics and practitioners, including NGOs representatives and former as well as practising journalists. Current and former MA students, as well as PhD students, will be invited to attend and have an opportunity to present their work in a professional and academic environment.