Saturday, 04 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1319

Artigos de lgarcia

How text-to-speech technology can help journalists avoid copy errors

  You’ve run spell-check and closely studied your story. Your editors have done the same and the copy desk — the last line of defense against mistakes — has scrutinized every word and line to ensure error-free copy. And then the worst happens. You pick up the newspaper or open your online story. A mistake, […]

Aiding the Enemy Isn’t Journalism

  Pfc. Bradley Manning is charged with espionage. Why not Julian Assange? It looks as if Pfc. Bradley Manning and Julian Assange will go down in history as outliers, not trend setters. There have been no copycat leaks of massive quantities of diplomatic and intelligence documents, despite how easy the Internet makes it to leak […]

Two-Step Verification: Why It’s Necessary for Journalists

  This week, Apple finally announced support for two-step verification for both the iCloud and AppleID. Now, users must use a second device to input a special code in order to access account specifics and iTunes purchases. It may seem like a small, or even unnecessary step, but type as fast as you can to […]

A Top Agency Expands Its Social Footprint

  ONE of the largest agencies on Madison Avenue, McCann Erickson New York, is ramping up its efforts in social media to reflect the rapidly growing interest among marketers in reaching consumers through platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter and blogs. A division of McCann Erickson New York that specializes in social media, which was […]

Regina Lima

  “No último dia 13 de março, a ouvidoria recebeu a manifestação do leitor Matheus Ferreira, da cidade de São Paulo, discordando do termo consenso, que foi muito utilizado em notícias divulgadas pela Agência Brasil durante a cobertura da eleição do sucessor do papa Bento XVI [1]. Segundo nosso leitor, 'a palavra consenso não cabe […]

Jornal internacional fecha parceria com publicação japonesa

  A partir de outubro, o International New York Times (novo nome do International Herald Tribune) será distribuído, no Japão, de segunda a sábado, junto com o jornal The Japan Times. A iniciativa é resultado de uma parceria que cria uma edição impressa combinada, dividida em duas seções (uma para cada jornal), chamada de The […]

O prejuízo da Gol

Acabo de constatar (terça-feira, 26/3) que pelo menos uma matéria do site foi comprada, ferindo o conceito de transparência da notícia publicada minutos antes. A matéria tratava do prejuízo milionário da Gol Linhas Aéreas. Minutos depois, a matéria não estava mais no site, e sim um imenso banner com passagens aéreas da referida empresa […]

The News Business Is Awful; People Want News

  If you’ve been following the media industry over the past year, you probably don’t need anyone to tell you the waves of disruption continue to increase in both height and frequency. The news that widespread cutbacks have caused dissatisfied readers to flee shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. But while those waves have […]

The Counter-Plagiarism Handbook

  Last week, I examined why news organizations aren’t using plagiarism detection services to root out literary thieves. Technology has a role in helping prevent and detect plagiarism, but it’s by no means a panacea. Good habits and best practices can help avoid and detect plagiarism (and fabrication). The challenge is that, to my knowledge, […]

The New York Times is growing digital revenue by thinking like a retailer

  There is light and shade in a successful paid content business model. It's not as simple as turning on the paywall and counting the cash – the New York Times' hybrid model is constantly evolving, based on science and market evidence. With 640,000 digital subscriptions, it's doing something right. As Paul Smurl, VP of […]

Chávez, o presidente ‘tuiteiro’

  Hugo Chávez, morto no início do mês vítima de um câncer, era um dos líderes mundiais mais atuantes no Twitter. Desde que abriu sua conta no microblog, há três anos,  o presidente da Venezuela mostrou-se fã desta plataforma de comunicação, publicando cerca de 12 mensagens por semana – quase todas de um aparelho de […]

Governo é acusado de tentar silenciar a mídia

  Depois de uma quarta determinação judicial, de uma campanha realizada por milhares de ouvintes e da pressão internacional, o conselho de mídia da Hungria finalmente concedeu, há duas semanas, a licença de longo termo à estação de rádio Klubradio. Por dois anos, o conselho, que distribuiu frequências de rádio e é repleto de partidários […]

What will news companies look like in 2018? How will they operate differently?

  That future is coming into focus. While many publishers’ vision is still quite blurry, it’s the Financial Times that is clearest-eyed about its roadmap and its future. The FT’s clarity first struck me when I sat down for an introductory talk with managing director Rob Grimshaw in London in fall 2009. His office, […]

Ex-CEO do Google reconhece chegada tardia às redes sociais

  Eric Schmidt, presidente do Conselho do Google, afirmou esta semana que tem orgulho do que a empresa alcançou nos últimos anos, mas disse se arrepender de ter se atrasado para a revolução da mídia social. Schmidt deixou o posto de executivo-chefe do Google em 2011, após uma década no comando da gigante de buscas. […]

At NBC, a Struggle to Revive the Morning Magic

  Staff members at NBC’s “Today” show huddled for a performance review last month, 10 months after the longtime morning show leader first fell behind ABC’s “Good Morning America” in the ratings. The mood was anxious, according to several attendees, as network executives discussed the findings from focus groups with hundreds of viewers. The employees […]

Backlash hits Google as it axes Reader

  It was the kind of reaction usually reserved for when the presses at a venerable newspaper are switched off or a much-loved television series is scrapped. Outrage reverberated across the internet and twittersphere on Wednesday after Google announced that Google Reader, its influential service collating feeds from news sites and blogs, would be shut […]

Pope Francis and journalists as the bluebottles of humanity

  Pope Francis gives his first press conference today but he will not give interviews. He does not like the press. "Journalists", he said once "risk becoming ill from coprophilia and thus fomenting coprophagia". In case your Greek is deficient, this means that we love shit and encourage others to consume it. So are we […]

“Mostramos mulheres do mesmo jeito que mostramos carros”

  O editor da revista norte-americana Esquire, Alex Bilmes, admitiu que a revista utiliza fotos de mulheres “ornamentais” para seus leitores masculinos “do mesmo jeito que publicamos fotos de carros”. Bilmes disse que a política da revista é “mais honesta” que a da indústria de revistas femininas, que segundo ele perpetua imagens negativas das mulheres. […]

Republicanos admitem fracasso em estratégia digital de 2012

Depois de uma longa e cara campanha no ano passado, pesquisas mostraram que o presidente dos EUA, Barack Obama, e seu rival republicano, Mitt Romney, estavam quase empatados pouco antes das eleições – embora Obama tivesse uma pequena vantagem em oito ou nove estados que decidiriam o vencedor. O democrata tinha um caminho mais fácil […]