Tuesday, 07 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1319

Artigos de lgarcia

Experiências de ombudsmans ibero-americanos

Será realizado na quinta-feira (7/3), no Auditório da Faculdade de Comunicação da Universidade de Brasília, o I Seminário Ibero-Americano de Ouvidorias/ Ombudsman de Mídia. Eis a programação: Abertura – 9h Nelson Breve (Presidente da EBC), José Eduardo Elias Romão (Ouvidor Geral da União), David Renault (Diretor da Faculdade de Comunicação), Fernando Oliveira Paulino (UnB). 10h20 […]

Jornal atacado por três dias seguidos

  A violência contra a imprensa no México deixou mais uma vítima. O jornal El Siglo de Torreon, na cidade mexicana de Torreon, no estado de Coahuila, foi atacado por três dias seguidos. Na segunda-feira, 25, agressores atiraram em policiais federais que protegiam o edifício onde funciona o jornal. Ninguém ficou ferido. Na terça, homens […]

Connecticut lawmaker says Facebook will remove exploitive pages related to Newtown shooting

  HARTFORD, Conn. — Facebook has agreed to remove some so-called tribute pages related to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting over concerns they’re being used to exploit the tragedy, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal said Monday. Echoing complaints already brought by some Sandy Hook families, Blumenthal and fellow Connecticut Democrats U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy and […]

Data from social networks are making social science more scientific

  “FOUNDATION”, a novel by Isaac Asimov from the golden age of science fiction, imagines a science called psychohistory which enables its practitioners to predict precisely the behaviour of large groups of people. The inventor of psychohistory, Hari Seldon, uses his discovery to save humanity from an historical dark age. A fantasy, of course. But […]

O julgamento do atleta pela mídia

Na semana passada, a família e os amigos mais próximos da modelo Reeva Steenkamp reuniram-se para seu enterro em Porto Elizabeth, na África do Sul; a mídia foi proibida de entrar. Longe dali, na capital Pretória, o corredor paralímpico Oscar Pistorius conseguia liberdade sob fiança; enquanto isso, repórteres reuniam-se do lado de fora da corte […]

The newsonomics of The Boston Globe’s sale

  Make more room for the great metro sell-off of 2013. With the unsurprising news that The New York Times Company is trying, once again, to part with The Boston Globe, we see the start of a wave of likely change in metro newspaper ownership across the United States. When the Globe changes hands, and […]

Knight Foundation says it was a mistake to pay Jonah Lehrer $20,000

  At a Knight Foundation lunch Tuesday, Jonah Lehrer apologized for plagiarism, fabrication and other ethical lapses in his articles and books. Now the Knight Foundation is apologizing for paying Lehrer $20,000 to speak at that lunch. Knight reveals that it invited Lehrer to speak after he had already lost jobs with The New Yorker […]

How writers can collect and organize string for stories

  As a journalist, taking good notes is crucial to keeping your facts straight. But most writers do this simply for the purposes of the story at hand and then move on once it’s published. Few consider this fact: Fleeting thoughts and observations that seem interesting, if not directly relevant to your article, could someday […]

How Will 2 Magazine Titans Merge? Carefully

  When Jack Griffin, the former president of the magazine company Meredith, took the reins at Time Inc., he threw a holiday party for his staff on the 34th floor of the Time & Life Building. For many employees at the famously hierarchal company, their first visit to the rambling executive suites that inspired the […]

NYT Co. vai rebatizar o ‘International Herald Tribune’

A New York Times Company anunciou, na segunda-feira [25/2], que irá renomear o International Herald Tribune. O tradicional jornal, hoje vendido em 130 países, passará a se chamar The International New York Times. O objetivo da empresa é aumentar o foco sobre sua principal marca – o diário  New York Times – e ampliar sua […]

‘NYT’ Online dificulta violação de paywall

O New York Times finalmente consertou uma popular brecha que permitia que internautas burlassem seu muro de proteção, o chamado paywall. Há mais de um ano, o site do jornal permite o acesso gratuito a 10 artigos e, a partir daí, o internauta recebe a oferta para aderir a um plano de assinatura. Mas há […]

Grupo New York Times planeja vender o ‘Boston Globe’

A notícia pipocou na internet na tarde de quarta-feira [20/2]: a New York Times Company está planejando a venda do jornal Boston Globe para focar energia e recursos em seu principal título, o New York Times. O banco de investimentos Evercore Partners ficará encarregado da venda do New England Media Group, unidade proprietária do Globe […]

Are ObamaLeaks an impeachable offense?

  Imagine if The Post broke a story about the biggest scandal of the Obama-era — and Washington responded with a collective yawn? That’s precisely what happened recently when The Post reported on its front page that senior Obama administration officials were being investigated by the FBI and Justice Department for the leak last summer […]

Documents show more problems with ‘In Cold Blood’

  Documents from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation cast doubt on Truman Capote’s account of a quadruple murder in his 1966 bestseller “In Cold Blood,” Kevin Helliker reports in The Wall Street Journal. And Capote’s contract with Columbia Pictures, reports Helliker, required the studio to hire the wife of a KBI detective as a consultant […]

Some optimism in Miami around foundations helping fill community info needs

  About 400 people gathered this week in Miami at the Knight Foundation’s Media Learning Seminar, its annual gathering of community foundations to talk about community information needs. They, along with representatives from nonprofits, libraries, and other community groups, wanted to discuss the information gaps left by a dwindling press corps. Among those sharing stories […]

The best hope for media freedom is independent regulation

  When Sir Brian Leveson published his report into the British press last November, he was clear about the regime that he wanted. A new regulator, endowed with strong enforcement powers, would protect the public against abuses. This would be dominated by independent minds. Newspapers would no longer get to mark their own homework. The […]

Why Social Movements Should Ignore Social Media

  Future Perfect: The Case for Progress in a Networked Age ? By Steven Johnson Riverhead, 233 pp., $26.95 There are two ways to be wrong about the Internet. One is to embrace cyber-utopianism and treat the Internet as inherently democratizing. Just leave it alone, the argument goes, and the Internet will destroy dictatorships, undermine […]

Governo propõe regulação sem estatuto

Assim como indicado pelo juiz Brian Leveson, que liderou o inquérito criado para avaliar os padrões da imprensa no Reino Unido após o escândalo dos grampos telefônicos no tabloide News of the World, uma pesquisa recente concluiu que a maior parte dos eleitores britânicos é favorável à criação de uma regulamentação estatutária. Conduzida pela empresa […]

Agenda política afasta jornalistas de emissora

A al-Jazira tem mais de três mil funcionários e 65 correspondentes em todo o mundo. No mundo árabe, chega a 50 milhões de lares. Recentemente, a emissora investiu aproximadamente US$ 500 milhões (em torno de R$ 980 milhões) na compra da Current TV, nos EUA, de olho em sua audiência de 40 milhões de residências. […]