Tuesday, 07 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1319

Artigos de lgarcia

Assinatura digital compensa perda com publicidade impressa

  No início do ano passado, a Gannett – maior editora de jornais dos EUA – anunciou seu plano de cobrar pelo acesso aos sites de suas publicações. O único que ficaria de fora do projeto seria o carro-chefe da empresa, o jornalão USA Today. Um ano depois, a editora, que divulgou o relatório para […]

Brazil: The Social Media Capital of the Universe

  When Barbosa family members botched their cover of an old Brazilian gospel song last year on a family video, they thought it was pretty funny—funny enough to upload to YouTube. But they didn't expect the rest of Brazil to laugh along with them. Within weeks, though, the video was viewed and shared millions of […]

Debating Drones, in the Open

  Last week, the debate over drone strikes broke out into plain view during the confirmation hearings for John O. Brennan, President Obama’s choice to head the Central Intelligence Agency. Given that the program has been operating largely under the public radar, a question has been raised whether the news media have done their job […]

Publicação de e-mails de Bush levanta questões éticas

  Pelas velhas regras do jornalismo, as mensagens eletrônicas particulares enviadas por George W. Bush à sua família talvez nunca fossem publicadas – com certeza, jamais sem sua permissão. A maioria das organizações de mídia teria pensado duas vezes antes de publicar mensagens pessoais que eram, essencialmente, tesouros roubados. Mas isso era antigamente. As comunicações […]

What Chinese hacking means for journalism

  Forget layoffs and paywalls: Recent reports of cyberattacks by Chinese hackers have made cybersecurity a pressing issue for the media industry. In recent weeks, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post have all announced that they were victims of Chinese hacking attacks. (Twitter also announced that it was a […]

World Press Photo divulga resultados de sua 56ª edição

A prestigiada premiação de fotojornalismo World Press Photo divulgou na sexta-feira (15/2) as imagens vencedoras da edição de 2013. A Foto do Ano, maior categoria da premiação, ficou com o fotógrafo sueco Paul Hansen, do jornal Dagens Nyheter, que retratou um cortejo fúnebre em Gaza. A imagem, tirada em novembro do ano passado, é forte […]

The head of the Guardian’s library on… nostalgia for press cuttings

Mention the words "press cuttings" to journalists of a certain age and they will usually come over all misty-eyed about the yellowing newspaper files of their youth. Until the mid-1990s, almost every media organisation – from the smallest local newspaper to national TV stations – maintained a cuttings collection. These libraries consisted of scrappy folders […]

Be afraid, very afraid, of the tech crisis

  “What are you doing here?” The software billionaire choked in astonishment when I told him I was a physicist. The reaction was informative: it was as if he had encountered a seasonal labourer at our meeting place, the World Economic Forum in Davos. Between networking, self-promotion and all the other things politicians and financiers […]

Who are the hackers? Profiling the masters of data disruption

  As anybody who has installed anti-virus software on their home computer knows, technology carries risks and vulnerabilities which are evolving over time. But why do people seek to exploit them? Is it all for personal gain, or have new motivations taken over? Orla Cox, Symantec's senior manager, security response, believes personal gain is still […]

Seis jornalistas presos em nova acusação de grampo

  Seis ex-funcionários do tabloide britânico News of the World foram presos na quarta-feira (13/2) em uma nova investigação no caso dos grampos telefônicos ilegais que provocou o fim do jornal, em 2011. A Scotland Yard afirmou que identificou mais uma conspiração para interceptar mensagens de voz entre 2005 e 2006. Os jornalistas presos foram […]

Corte de 2,5 mil cargos para melhorar rentabilidade

  A Thomson Reuters pretende cortar, em 2013, 2.500 postos de trabalho, o que representa 4% do total de funcionários. Trata-se de uma tentativa de melhorar a rentabilidade diante da situação nada positiva nos mercados dos quais seus maiores departamentos mais dependem, o de finanças e o jurídico. Segundo o executivo-chefe Jim Smith, o grupo […]

Por que o acordo do Google com jornais franceses pode ser perigoso

  Após muitas manobras diplomáticas e uma série de gestos para manter as aparências dos dois lados, o Google finalmente assinou um acordo com os jornais franceses e concluiu a longa batalha judicial sobre o uso de trechos de artigos no Google News, o que os franceses consideravam quebra de direitos autorais. Mas enquanto o […]

Celebrando o passado em papel, de olho no futuro digital

O Financial Times comemorou, na quarta-feira (13/2), 125 anos de existência. Nascido da necessidade de se criar um “amigo do financista honesto e do corretor respeitável” – seu lema em 1888 –, em um tempo em que os mercados cresciam e se globalizavam rapidamente, o jornal teve sua sede, em Londres, iluminada de cor de […]

The Super Bowl’s Journalism Malfunction

  Almost as soon as the Super Bowl came of age as a festival of American excess, thriller writers began to imagine how terrorists might target the game for attack. Thomas Harris published “Black Sunday,” in 1975; in the novel, secular Palestinian terrorists collaborate with a disgruntled American veteran of the Vietnam War to strike […]

When E-Mail Turns From Delight to Deluge

  IN the not-so-distant past, the chipper AOL sound of “You’ve got mail!” filled me with giddiness and glee. I would eagerly check my in-box, excited to see what message had arrived. Those days are long gone. Now, when I examine my various e-mail accounts, my main emotion is dread. One morning last week, I […]

When Newspapers Were New, or, How Londoners Got Word of the Plague

  Daniel Defoe's novel about London's 1665 plague can help us understand new media. No, really. The plague was abroad. Londoners knew not where it had come from, only that it was upon Holland. "It was brought, some said from Italy, others from the Levant, among some goods which were brought home by their Turkey […]

‘House of Cards’ Stars Explore the Future (and Death) of Journalism

  It is fitting that, in a project that is touted as the show that could reshape the digital future of television, House of Cards is deeply concerned with the rapid reconstruction of journalism in the internet era. The new Netflix political drama stars Kevin Spacey as a ruthless congressman bent on revenge against the […]

Receita digital aumenta, mas publicidade ainda é desafio

  A New York Times Company divulgou, esta semana, os números do quarto trimestre de 2012. Para o novo CEO da empresa, o britânico Mark Thompson, o resultado é positivo: o lucro líquido subiu de US$ 58,9 milhões em 2011 para US$ 176,9 milhões. O aumento foi impulsionado pela venda do site About.com e pela […]

Exclusive! The Words That Journalists Overuse

  Fighting for a competitive advantage on the Web, journalists have turned once powerful adjectives into nothing but hype. What does breaking mean? Who knows! In George Orwell’s 1984, an employee of the Ministry of Truth, tasked with creating the Newspeak dictionary, explains to Winston Smith that his job is often misunderstood. “You think, I […]

When Newspapers Were New, or, How Londoners Got Word of the Plague

  Daniel Defoe's novel about London's 1665 plague can help us understand new media. No, really. The plague was abroad. Londoners knew not where it had come from, only that it was upon Holland. "It was brought, some said from Italy, others from the Levant, among some goods which were brought home by their Turkey […]