Wednesday, 08 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1319

Artigos de lgarcia

‘House of Cards’ Stars Explore the Future (and Death) of Journalism

  It is fitting that, in a project that is touted as the show that could reshape the digital future of television, House of Cards is deeply concerned with the rapid reconstruction of journalism in the internet era. The new Netflix political drama stars Kevin Spacey as a ruthless congressman bent on revenge against the […]

When Newspapers Were New, or, How Londoners Got Word of the Plague

  Daniel Defoe's novel about London's 1665 plague can help us understand new media. No, really. The plague was abroad. Londoners knew not where it had come from, only that it was upon Holland. "It was brought, some said from Italy, others from the Levant, among some goods which were brought home by their Turkey […]

Receita digital aumenta, mas publicidade ainda é desafio

  A New York Times Company divulgou, esta semana, os números do quarto trimestre de 2012. Para o novo CEO da empresa, o britânico Mark Thompson, o resultado é positivo: o lucro líquido subiu de US$ 58,9 milhões em 2011 para US$ 176,9 milhões. O aumento foi impulsionado pela venda do site e pela […]

Geraldine Rhoads Dies at 98; Edited Woman’s Day

  Geraldine Rhoads, who in 16 years as editor in chief of Woman’s Day magazine guided it toward covering the women’s movement while still embracing its tradition of homespun advice, died at her home in Manhattan on Saturday, three days before her 99th birthday. Her longtime friend Jeannie McCloskey confirmed the death.  Miss Rhoads (she […]

Stanley Karnow, Historian and Journalist, Dies at 87

  Stanley Karnow, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and journalist who produced acclaimed books and television documentaries about Vietnam and the Philippines in the throes of war and upheaval, died on Sunday at his home in Potomac, Md. He was 87. The cause was congestive heart failure, said Mr. Karnow’s son, Michael. For more than three […]

Washington Post Invests in Medill’s Programmer-Journalist Scholarships

  Why did the Washington Post become the first media company to invest in a Northwestern University program to educate computer programmers in journalism? "It comes down to credibility," said Greg Franczyk, who helped arrange the partnership with Northwestern's Medill School and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to offer scholarships to computer […]

U.S. Consumer Tablet On-device Spending Soars

  At the close of 2012, market intelligence firm ABI Research estimates nearly 200 million tablets will have shipped worldwide since 2009 and an additional 1 billion tablets are forecasted to ship over the next 5 years. New research that explores the impact a tablet has on the daily life of a U.S. consumer shows […]

Washington Post Joins List of News Media Hacked by the Chinese

  The question is no longer who has been hacked. It’s who hasn’t? The Washington Post can be added to the growing list of American news organizations whose computers have been penetrated by Chinese hackers. After The New York Times reported on Wednesday that its computers as well as those of Bloomberg News had been […]

FBI investiga vazamento no governo Obama

Depois que dados altamente secretos de um ciberataque americano ao programa nuclear do Irã vieram à tona, o presidente dos EUA, Barack Obama, foi à sala de imprensa da Casa Branca para criticar aqueles que sugeriram que os responsáveis pelo vazamento eram assessores de segurança do alto escalão do governo. “A acusação de que minha […]

Time Inc. demitirá 500 funcionários

Segundo o Wall Street Journal, cerca de 500 pessoas serão demitidas da Time Inc., que publica títulos como Time, Sports Illustrated e People. Isso significa que os cerca de oito mil funcionários serão reduzidos em 6%. A empresa espera economizar cerca de US$ 100 milhões (em torno de R$ 199 milhões) com os cortes. As […]

‘NYT’ diz estar sob ataque há meses

O New York Times afirmou esta semana que foi alvo de ataques de hackers por conta da publicação de uma reportagem investigativa sobre a família do primeiro-ministro da China, Wen Jiabao. O jornalão americano informou que hackers chineses teriam invadido os computadores de seus funcionários e obtido as senhas usadas por eles. Segundo especialistas em […]

‘Sunday Times’ pede desculpas por desenho de premiê de Israel

Mark Ivens, editor do Sunday Times, de Rupert Murdoch, pediu desculpas “sem restrições” na terça-feira (29/1) por uma charge que mostrava o líder israelense Benjamin Netanyahu construindo um muro com a ajuda de argamassa vermelha, remetendo à sangue, e que provocou a fúria da comunidade judaica. No cartum, Netanyahu empunha uma espátula comprida e pontiaguda […]

Jornalistas são presos em invasões a redações

Agentes de segurança do Irã invadiram a sede de quatro jornais e prenderam diversos jornalistas no que parece ser uma ação planejada para intimidar a mídia a poucos meses da eleição presidencial em junho. Fontes em Teerã disseram que os jornais Etemaad, Shargh, Bahar e Arman foram alvos de um grupo de policiais à  paisana […]

‘Sunday Times’ pede desculpas por desenho de premiê de Israel

Mark Ivens, editor do Sunday Times, de Rupert Murdoch, pediu desculpas “sem restrições” na terça-feira (29/1) por uma charge que mostrava o líder israelense Benjamin Netanyahu construindo um muro com a ajuda de argamassa vermelha, remetendo à sangue, e que provocou a fúria da comunidade judaica. No cartum, Netanyahu empunha uma espátula comprida e pontiaguda […]

Fox Says Its 3-Year Relationship With Palin Is Over

  "Sarah, where are you?" one of Sarah Palin's 3.4 million Facebook fans wrote on her wall last week. "Has your contract with Fox ended?" another fan asked the day before. Fox News has indeed parted ways with Ms. Palin, the former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential nominee, a Fox spokeswoman confirmed on Friday, reducing […]

Al Gore on How the Internet is Changing the Way We Think

  In an excerpt from his new book, The Future, the Nobel Prize winner and former vice president talks global networks, Marshall McLuhan, and how computing is changing what it means to be human. Technology and the "World Brain" Writers have used the human nervous system to describe electronic communication since the invention of the […]

At What Age Will You Stop Using Facebook?

  Adults are typically grateful that social media didn't exist when they were teenagers — that their Facebook photos and status messages date to their college years at the earliest, not their first years of high school or middle school. Would you retroactively give your 13-year-old self the power to permanently put anything he or […]

Made a mistake? Advice for journalists on online corrections

  Making an error in journalism is unfortunate, but it happens. For journalists and news outlets, when an error has occurred, the immediate concern will then be how to handle the correction. Editor of the Regret the Error blog, which is now run on the Poynter Institute website, Craig Silverman has been blogging about the […]