Thursday, 09 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1319

Artigos de lgarcia

A media mogul whose extraordinary life still shapes his country, for good and ill

  THE ECONOMIST’S office in Tokyo is in the headquarters of the Yomiuri Shimbun, the world’s biggest-selling newspaper. Every day, as you walk past bowing guards and immaculate receptionists, set back in a corner you pass a bronze statue of an owlish man with a bald head and thick, round-rimmed glasses, poring over a paper. […]

Grupo sai da falência e pretende vender jornais e emissoras

O grupo Tribune Co., proprietário do Chicago Tribune, do Los Angeles Times e de seis outros jornais diários americanos, saiu da falência quatro anos após sua compra, em uma operação financiada por dívida, pelo bilionário Sam Zell, que acabou levando-o à concordata. Numa declaração divulgada no dia 31/12, a empresa, com sede em Chicago, disse […]

Rupert Murdoch’s make-or-break venture: the new News Corp

  In my world, one of the great sports of the New Year is going to be watching Rupert Murdoch de-hitch his newspapers from his entertainment companies. Seldom, in a business context, has a man of such stature and accomplishment and at so advanced an age been asked not just to reinvent himself, but to […]

Can the French civilize Twitter? Should they try?

  It’s no secret that relationships in France are très compliqué, especially for the country’s ruling elite. President François Hollande was stuck in a tricky tryst between his long-term partner and his lover. His predecessor, Nicolas Sarkozy, pursued a high-profile relationship with model and singer Carla Bruni after his second wife left him. And even […]

Repórter é obrigado a sair do país

Um correspondente do New York Times foi obrigado a sair da China porque as autoridades não renovaram seu visto de jornalista, o que comprova as relações cada vez mais tensas do governo de Pequim com a imprensa estrangeira. Chris Buckley, um repórter que trabalha na China desde 2000 e voltou para o New York Times […]

Regina Lima

“No dia 21 deste mês a Ouvidoria recebeu uma mensagem do leitor Rodrigo da Silva Ferrari, de Catanduva, São Paulo, reclamando da forma como a Agência Brasil e o restante da imprensa brasileira têm se portado em relação à cobertura do caso da possível de incidência do mal da vaca louca num animal que morreu […]

Regina Lima

“No dia 21 deste mês a Ouvidoria recebeu uma mensagem do leitor Rodrigo da Silva Ferrari, de Catanduva, São Paulo, reclamando da forma como a Agência Brasil e o restante da imprensa brasileira têm se portado em relação à cobertura do caso da possível de incidência do mal da vaca louca num animal que morreu […]

Journalist deaths spike in 2012 due to Syria, Somalia

  The number of journalists killed in the line of duty rose sharply in 2012, as the war in Syria, a record number of shootings in Somalia, continued violence in Pakistan, and a worrying increase in Brazilian murders contributed to a 42 percent increase in deaths from the previous year. Internet journalists were hit harder […]

Última edição impressa faz referência ao Twitter

A última capa impressa da Newsweek foi divulgada essa semana, com uma foto dos antigos escritórios da revista em Nova York, acompanhada da manchete “#LASTPRINTISSUE” (#últimaediçãoimpressa, com o #hashtag usado no Twitter). Ironicamente, a edição estará disponível para tablets antes de leitores poderem comprá-la nas bancas. A Newsweek irá se tornar digital no começo de […]

British Tabloids Face Pressure Over Page 3

  Lucy Holmes finally lost patience with Britain’s best-selling newspaper, The Sun, when she bought it to read about the Olympics last summer and discovered that the biggest picture of a woman inside was not a triumphant athlete but a young model wearing just her underpants, captioned “Emily from Warrington.” Suddenly enraged by something that […]

Ciclista processado por jornal britânico

O ciclista Lance Armstrong está sendo processado em mais de US$ 1,5 milhão (em torno de R$ 3,1 milhões) pelo britânico The Sunday Times. Em 2006, o jornal pagou ao ciclista cerca de R$ 1 milhão para chegar a um acordo após ter publicado acusações, publicadas em um livro de 2004, de doping contra o […]

Journalism schools as startup accelerators

  Disruptive-innovation guru Clay Christensen exhorts news organizations to focus on the “jobs to be done” in their communities. Help people do them and revenue opportunities will follow. (Especially when consumers didn’t realize they needed those jobs to be done.) The winners in 2013 will be entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs whose mission is to help get […]

Lanza, autism, and violence

  As with so many senseless acts of violence— including the shootings in Aurora, CO, last summer and Tucson, AZ, the year before that—some media outlets haven’t been able to resist the temptation to speculate about the mental health of the young man who killed 27 people in Newtown, CT, on December 14. This time, […]

Sandy Hook coverage: Is ‘good enough’ good enough?

  Adam Lanza was not buzzed in to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Friday. His mother, Nancy, did not work at the school. He didn’t have an altercation with school officials the day before. He used a Bushmaster rifle, not the Glock and SIG Sauer pistols he was carrying, to carry out his […]

Dar em primeiro lugar ou dar da maneira correta?

O crítico de mídia Jack Shafer escreveu recentemente que, na era do Twitter, o público tem que estar preparado para o imprevisível: as notícias, em especial as de última hora, muito provavelmente são incorretas. Esse comentário, que fez no blog que tem na Reuters, foi provocado pelas informações equivocadas que circularam após o massacre em […]

Suicide reminds reporters how vulnerable their sources can be

  Gretchen Molannen suffered in private for 16 years before her life story appeared on the Tampa Bay Times website on Friday, Nov. 30. In the piece, she described the persistent genital arousal disorder that forced her to “masturbate for hours for just a few minutes of relief.” She also told reporter Leonora LaPeter Anton […]

U.S. Rejects Telecommunications Treaty

  Talks on a proposed treaty governing international telecommunications collapsed in acrimony on Thursday when the United States rejected the agreement on the eve of its scheduled signing, citing an inability to resolve an impasse over the Internet. “It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce that the United States must communicate […]

Our Corrosive Guessing Games

  LAST week I stumbled across this headline: “Gov. Cuomo passes on supporting Hillary Clinton for 2016 presidential bid.” Take a moment. Savor the epic, eye-crossing absurdity of that. For starters there’s no bid. Not officially. Not yet. A whole lot can happen in the three years between now and the wintry Iowa caucuses of […]

Social Media Strategy Was Crucial as Transit Agencies Coped With Hurricane

  The rider was growing more and more frustrated. Again and again, her questions were met with virtual silence. It was like waiting for a bus that never came, which was in fact what she had been doing. “I have asked nicely several times about what’s going on with the 317 bus,” the rider, who […]