Thursday, 09 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1320

Artigos de lgarcia

Equipe da NBC relata fuga de sequestro

Quando a equipe da americana NBC, sequestrada por um grupo leal ao presidente sírio Bashar al-Assad, começou a receber ameaças de execução, a situação ficou alarmante. Isso porque o repórter Richard Engel e seus colegas da emissora de TV – sequestrados cinco dias antes e mantidos amarrados e de olhos vendados – sabiam que um […]

Journalistic lessons from Sandy Hook – how to find facts among the fiction

  The problems caused by the swift unfolding of details of news stories through social media are becoming increasingly familiar. And the Sandy Hook shootings provided a further example. Craig Silverman, writing for Poynter, points out some of the early mistakes – both the killer and the weapon were wrongly identified while the killer's mother […]

Investigative journalism must live on despite the Newsnight crisis

  In the wake of the Newsnight catastrophe, people are now talking as if investigative journalism is just too difficult for the BBC to do. The wretched staff at the TV programme, having wrongly targeted Lord McAlpine as a sex abuser, are now suspended from the practice of the art, like a bunch of errant […]

Media’s sex obsession is dangerous, destructive

  I can remember the specific moment when I swore off the sex lives of the famous as journalistic currency. It was the case of a national sportscaster — I won’t name him, but, alas, most of those old enough will remember the name, which is regrettable — whose sex life had suddenly become the […]

Social and Anti-Social Media

  On election night, it became the most re-tweeted photo in the history of social media: a picture of President Obama hugging his wife, Michelle. But the dissemination of that iconic image is only the tip of a far larger iceberg that sank Mitt Romney. Yes, demographics helped Obama beat him. But so did the […]

New CEO Mark Thompson ends first week with memo to New York Times staff

  At the end of his first week as CEO of The New York Times, Mark Thompson was the subject of yet another story in his new paper about his tenure at the BBC. The latest story revealed that a letter sent in his name detailed sex abuse allegations against former host Jimmy Savile, allegations […]

Conservadores em desvantagem informacional

Antes de a massa de trabalhadores americanos conservadores se perguntar o que deu errado nas eleições americanas, eles devem se questionar por que foram os últimos a perceberem que algo estava indo errado. Era a segunda vez que o democrata Barack Obama derrotava um rival republicano. Há quatro anos, a maior parte dos conservadores sabia […]

Twitter vs. TV on election night

  Just like virtually every other point in the campaign that led up to it, this week’s U.S. election brought record levels of engagement on social media — Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere. Twitter celebrated enduring the day without an outage, though Gizmodo’s Jesus Diaz was less than impressed. The other center of activity on Tuesday […]

Time Warner tunes in to Latin America

Two gang members duel on motorcycles, an executive is kidnapped, a “sexy nurse” appears for no reason, a Swat team abseils from the ceiling, and shoulder-padded American footballers rush in to join the fray. The over-the-top show was laid on in Time Warner’s New York headquarters by its Turner Media division last month, as part […]

Hard truths

  As the presidential campaign wound down, it became clear that the media’s factchecking effort, which played a more prominent role in the coverage than it had in any previous election, is at something of a crossroads. Thanks to the truth-squadding—by teams at PolitiFact and, as well as individual reporters around the country—we learned, […]

Pearson Said Exploring Financial Times Sale as CEO Leaves

  Pearson Plc (PSON) is planning to explore a sale of the Financial Times newspaper as the company focuses on its faster-growing education business, people with knowledge of the situation said. The company has decided to consider offers for the newspaper this year, said the people, who declined to be identified because the process is […]

Hurricane Sandy and Twitter

  For millions who lost power but could still access the internet on mobile devices, Twitter served as a critical lifeline throughout the disaster that struck on October 29. At least a few news operations, such as Huffington Post and the aggregator BuzzFeed saw their servers go down and turned to Twitter and other social […]

Bradley Manning offers partial guilty plea in WikiLeaks case

  Defence lawyer tells hearing soldier wants to offer guilty plea for some offences in US government's case against him Bradley Manning, the US soldier who is facing life in prison for allegedly having leaked hundreds of thousands of state secrets to WikiLeaks, has indicated publicly for the first time that he accepts responsibility for […]

Social Media, Growing in Legal Circles, Find a Role in Florida Murder Case

  When Mark O’Mara agreed to defend George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin murder case, one of his first major decisions was to embrace the Internet. He set up a legal defense Web site for his client, a Twitter page and a Facebook account, all with the purpose of countering what he called the “avalanche […]

Bento XVI terá conta no Twitter

  O Papa Bento XVI já tem um bilhão de fiéis e, agora, ele quer ter também seguidores no Twitter, noticia a AP [8/11/12]. O porta-voz do Vaticano, reverendo Federico Lombardi, informa que mais detalhes serão dados no lançamento da conta, antes do final do ano. O primeiro tuíte do papa, que tem 85 anos, […]

Obrigações da TV por assinatura

Estou de acordo com a Lei 12.485/2011, que tem de entrar em vigor de imediato, como foi planejada. A operadora de TV que não estiver como manda a Lei não deve poder vender e o assinante merece uma resposta da Anatel. Não pode ficar de palhaço. Quero ver os 14 canais abertos obrigatórios presentes em […]

Saber lidar com base de dados é um problema para jornalistas

O contraste profundo entre as reportagens baseadas em informações complexas, como faz o estatístico Nate Silver, do New York Times, e a cobertura tradicional de eleições destaca um problema crescente no jornalismo: o pouco conhecimento de jornalistas sobre como lidar com banco de dados. Isso afeta todas as notícias –  nacionais, locais e hiperlocais. Na […]

Advertising Relearned for Mobile

  Say you are in a strange city and need a hotel for the night. You pull out your phone, search for hotels on Google and see a nearby one listed at the top of the rankings, with a little phone icon that says, “Call.” You tap it, reach the hotel and ask for a […]


  The pound sign is a typographical symbol with ambitions. For decades, it was an afterthought on our telephone keypads, mashed occasionally in frustration during prolonged customer-service calls. But lately, it is conquering new territories, visible on our TV screens (#debates, for example, during the most recent presidential debate); at the box office (#holdyourbreath, plugging […]

New Piece Added to Puzzle of Truman Capote’s ‘Answered Prayers’

A small piece of Truman Capote's famously unfinished novel "Answered Prayers" has come to light. The six-page story, "Yachts and Things," found among Capote's papers in the Manuscripts and Archives Division of the New York Public Library, is published in the December issue of Vanity Fair, out now in New York and nationally next week. […]