Thursday, 09 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1320

Artigos de lgarcia

When Floodwaters Rise, Web Sites May Fall

  Here is a lesson every Web site manager may be taking away from Hurricane Sandy: It is probably not a good idea to put the backup power generators where it floods. As computer centers in Lower Manhattan and New Jersey shut down or went to emergency operations after power failures and water damage Monday […]

The Case Against Sending TV Reporters Out in Hurricanes

With few exceptions, there's no news value gained by putting broadcasters in gale force winds and tidal floods. It just adds drama to see their safety imperiled. Everyone tuned to CNN's Hurricane Sandy coverage couldn't help but be riveted by images of correspondent Ali Velshi reporting from an Atlantic City intersection as the storm made […]


  The pound sign is a typographical symbol with ambitions. For decades, it was an afterthought on our telephone keypads, mashed occasionally in frustration during prolonged customer-service calls. But lately, it is conquering new territories, visible on our TV screens (#debates, for example, during the most recent presidential debate); at the box office (#holdyourbreath, plugging […]


“Witness: Juarez,” the first in a series of four HBO documentaries about contemporary war photographers, is the visual equivalent of a fast-paced duet, like Mozart for still camera and video camera rather than violin and viola. The photographer Eros Hoagland and the cinematographer Jared Moossy travel the deadly streets of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, in tandem, […]

Advertising Relearned for Mobile

  Say you are in a strange city and need a hotel for the night. You pull out your phone, search for hotels on Google and see a nearby one listed at the top of the rankings, with a little phone icon that says, “Call.” You tap it, reach the hotel and ask for a […]

Uma tempestade de boatos e fotos falsas

Na era do Twitter, as notícias ruins voam. Mesmo quando as notícias ruins nem são notícias. Durante o furacão Sandy, quando as pessoas tentavam obter dados sobre os prejuízos causados na Costa Leste americana pela tempestade, a desinformação espalhou-se rapidamente pela web. A disseminação de dados falsos foi instigada por jornalistas, que antigamente aprendiam a […]

Fotógrafo explica bastidores de foto da New York Mag

  A capa escolhida para ilustrar a matéria sobre o furacão Sandy na capa da New York Magazine de sábado (3/11) mostrava a ilha dividida – parte no escuro e parte com energia elétrica. A imagem foi registrada pelo fotógrafo holandês Iwan Baan, a bordo de um helicóptero que balançava, no escuro, a 1,5 km do […]

Números que mostram o futuro da mídia

Planejar o futuro da mídia já é uma tarefa difícil no melhor dos cenários; com a mudança de hábitos dos consumidores, novas tecnologias e mercados que evoluem rapidamente, o desafio é ainda maior. Jasper Jackson [The Media Briefing, 6/11/12] selecionou estatísticas (com todos os links em inglês) que devem ser analisadas com atenção para um […]

Repórter que divulgou lista de contas na Suíça é inocentado

  Kostas Vaxevanis, proprietário e editor da revista Hot Doc, foi inocentado pela juíza Malia Volika das acusações de quebra de leis de privacidade por ter publicado nomes de mais de dois mil gregos, incluindo empresários, médicos, advogados e políticos, que supostamente teriam contas em um banco na Suíça. A chamada “Lista Lagarde” foi dada […]

Superman: Clark Kent quits reporting at the Daily Planet

Superman is giving up his once-promising career in journalism. Alter ego Clark Kent is resigning from the post of star reporter at the Daily Planet, the Metropolis newspaper where he has worked since the first Superman comics were published in the 1940s. DC Comics, which publishes the Superman stories, says Kent will walk out in […]

The physical and the digital world are becoming increasingly intertwined

OF ALL THE methods of communication invented by humanity over the centuries, none has disseminated so much information so widely at such high speeds as the internet. It is both a unifying force and a globalising one. But, as this report has argued, its very ubiquity makes it a localising one too, because it is […]

Journalism ethics in a digital age

  On Tuesday, in the midst of wonky Poynter conference dialogue about how to reimagine journalism ethics for a digital age, Seattle Times columnist Monica Guzman told an anecdote that nailed the angst of a changing industry. Shortly after the Seattle Post-Intelligencer dropped its print edition, a bear got loose in Seattle, Guzman said. She […]

Binders full of Big Bird: The risk & benefits of reporting on memes

On the evening of Oct. 16, in the second presidential debate of 2012, Mitt Romney mentioned that as governor of Massachusetts, he had requested “binders full of women” to help recruit top female candidates to his cabinet. One minute later, 23-year-old social media manager Veronica De Souza registered and began furiously Photoshopping. Soon, images […]

The mass media has lost its perspective

I am not a historian, nor even an art historian, but I have an interest in depiction and therefore a history of pictures. Twelve years ago I wrote a book – Secret Knowledge – about the influence of technology on picture-making. Soe art historians supported me, a few attacked it, but most ignored it, perhaps […]

A cobertura na TV, jornais e redes sociais

O furacão Sandy trouxe ventos fortes, chuvas pesadas e também milhões de telespectadores em casa para acompanhar as últimas informações. Na segunda-feira (29/10), a tempestade dominou o noticiário nos canais abertos e nos pagos. A Fox News registrou a maior audiência e a CNN obteve o maior número de telespectadores de 25 a 54 anos […]

O desafio de informar o público

Com a chegada do furacão Sandy à Costa Leste americana na segunda (29/10), organizações de mídia criaram uma cobertura especial online, noticia Jeff Sonderman [Poynter, 29/10/12]. Diversos sites de mídia, entretanto, chegaram a ficar fora do ar na área de Nova York, como o The Huffington Post , Gawker e o blog Mediaite. Mapas O […]

Fotógrafo de Auschwitz morre aos 94 anos

Muito do que se tem de registro dos campos de concentração nazistas são do fotógrafo Wilhelm Brasse, que morreu esta semana aos 94 anos em Zywiec, na Polônia. Ele registrou imagens de prisioneiros uniformizados, pessoas com deformidades, vítimas de experiências médicas – por não ter outra escolha, assim como muitos que conseguiram sobreviver a Auschwitz, […]

Why The Death Of Print Publications Should Have Us All A Bit Worried

   Newsweek announced Wednesday that it was ending its print edition and moving completely online. One of Britain's flagship publications, The Guardian, is also "seriously considering," according to reports, ending its print editions. And the Wall Street Journal seems to be losing money hand over fist. It might seem like a matter of time, as […]

Murdoch de olho no Los Angeles Times

  Com a possível saída do Tribune Co. da situação de falência, o presidente e diretor-executivo da News Corp., Rupert Murdoch, está de olho em dois dos principais jornais do grupo – o Los Angeles Times e o Chicago Tribune. Os credores do Tribune Co. – duas empresas de investimentos e um banco – passarão […]

Social Media and Political Engagement

   The use of social media is becoming a feature of political and civic engagement for many Americans. Some 60% of American adults use either social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter and a new survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project finds that 66% of those social media users—or 39% […]