Friday, 10 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1320

Artigos de lgarcia

How Twitter is winning the 2012 US election

  In the 2012 US presidential election, it is clear the brief age of political blogs shaping the political narrative has passed and we are now in the era of Twitter. The proof is in Twitter's big role in shaping the coverage and the winners and losers of this month's presidential debates. At a seminar […]

A week inside India’s media boom

   Condé Nast India is a modest operation for a major publishing house in what will soon be the world’s most populous country (by 2026, according to the Indian National Population Stabilisation Fund). The journalists who produce its four magazines – Vogue India, GQ India, Condé Nast Traveller and Architectural Digest – tap away at […]

The cause of Newsweek’s decline

  Newsweek, which was once one of America’s premier news magazines, will no longer publish a print edition at the end of the year. Its editor, Tina Brown, made the announcement Thursday that it will move to an all-digital, subscription-based format. The Wall Street Journal reported that its online model will initially based predominantly on […]

Why The Death Of Print Publications Should Have Us All A Bit Worried

   Newsweek announced Wednesday that it was ending its print edition and moving completely online. One of Britain's flagship publications, The Guardian, is also "seriously considering," according to reports, ending its print editions. And the Wall Street Journal seems to be losing money hand over fist. It might seem like a matter of time, as […]

Murdoch de olho no Los Angeles Times

  Com a possível saída do Tribune Co. da situação de falência, o presidente e diretor-executivo da News Corp., Rupert Murdoch, está de olho em dois dos principais jornais do grupo – o Los Angeles Times e o Chicago Tribune. Os credores do Tribune Co. – duas empresas de investimentos e um banco – passarão […]

Social Media and Political Engagement

   The use of social media is becoming a feature of political and civic engagement for many Americans. Some 60% of American adults use either social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter and a new survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project finds that 66% of those social media users—or 39% […]

Televisão, teoria e prática

[do release da editora] Com este primeiro volume O Brasil (é)ditado inaugura-se a Coleção Jornalismo Audiovisual,que se propõe a abordar regularmente temas desafiadores da televisão no Brasil e no mundo. A grande audiência e a influência política e cultural desta mídia em nossa sociedade, aliada ao propósito de compartilhar a evolução científica de suas pesquisas, é o […]

ESPN ajuda telespectadores a não perderem debate nem futebol americano

  Fãs de política e de esportes ficaram divididos nesta segunda (22/10), com o último debate presidencial e o jogo de futebol americano entre Chicago Bears, cidade onde Barack Obama fez carreira política, e Detroit Lions, local onde nasceu Mitt Romney. A ESPN trouxe uma solução para os americanos patriotas: assistir a ambos. Não com […]

Revista estará apenas online a partir de 2013

Tina Brown, editora-chefe do The Daily Beast e da Newsweek, e Baba Shetty, CEO do grupo The Newsweek Daily Beast Co., anunciaram o fim da edição impressa da Newsweek, após 80 anos nesse formato. “A transição da Newsweek para o digital será realizada no começo de 2013. Como parte dessa transição, a última edição impressa […]

In defense of journalism education: The 3 essentials it teaches

  As fall semester 2012 moves toward mid-term, journalism education is gathering its defenses against assaults on its relevance.   Emory College announced last month that it is closing its program because journalism falls outside the school’s emphasis on liberal education, according to Arts & Sciences College Dean Robin Forman.   “It’s not our job, […]

Wives Take the Campaign to Newsstands

As the candidates for president debate in the press over weighty topics like taxes and health care, their wives are waging their own campaigns in women’s and celebrity magazines to show voters their spouses’ softer sides. “Election time, they really want coverage,” said Ellen Levine, editorial director at Hearst Magazines, who has edited Woman’s Day, […]

BBC reporting scrutinised after accusations of liberal bias

  The BBC's news coverage of religion, immigration and Europe is to be scrutinised in an independent review following accusations of liberal bias. Lord Patten, the BBC Trust chairman, said the review was an acknowledgment of "real and interesting" concerns from some quarters about the impartiality of the BBC's news coverage. The corporation has long […]

Romney e moderadora recebem críticas em segundo debate presidencial

De acordo com dados do Twitter, na noite de terça-feira (16/10) 7,3 milhões de tuítes foram postados relacionados ao segundo debate presidencial americano entre o democrata Barack Obama e o republicano Mitt Romney – três milhões a menos do que o primeiro debate, no dia 4/10. Mais uma vez, Romney teve mais menções do que o […]

Newsstand at one: Three approaches to iPad publishing

It is exactly a year since the launch of Apple's iOS 5 and with it came Newsstand, an in-built app for the iPad and iPhone giving consumers empty shelves reminiscent of the real-world newsstand, to be filled with their selection of magazines and newspapers. Publishers had been creating iPad editions for some time, but the […]

Red media, blue media

Is the U.S. economy getting better or getting worse? If you’re a Republican, you’re overwhelmingly likely to say it is getting worse — only 20% of Republicans believe the U.S. economy is improving, compared with 69% who say it is continuing to tank and 9% who say it is about the same. If you’re a […]

Essential tools of the trade

  I love to read about the latest and greatest apps and gadgets but, when I do, I have two overwhelming thoughts: Which of these would I actually use? And which, if any, will I come to rely on every single day, as if they were an extension of my very self?   I’m going […]

Campaigns Use Social Media to Lure Younger Voters

In 2012, it is not enough for candidates to shake some hands, kiss a baby or two and run some TV ads. They also need to be posting funny little animations on the blogging site Tumblr. If the presidential campaigns of 2008 were dipping a toe into social media like Facebook and Twitter, their 2012 […]

Reitor reforça importância de conteúdo intelectual na formação

A Escola de Jornalismo da Universidade Columbia está para escolher um novo reitor após uma década, depois que Nicholas Lemann anunciou sua iminente saída do cargo para o final deste ano letivo. Segundo informa o New York Times, o presidente da universidade, Lee Bollinger, assumirá a tarefa “pouco comum” de liderar pessoalmente a comissão que […]

BBC reporting scrutinised after accusations of liberal bias

The BBC's news coverage of religion, immigration and Europe is to be scrutinised in an independent review following accusations of liberal bias. Lord Patten, the BBC Trust chairman, said the review was an acknowledgment of "real and interesting" concerns from some quarters about the impartiality of the BBC's news coverage. The corporation has long faced […]

Parceria comemora um ano com maior audiência online dos EUA

  A rede de TV ABC News e o site Yahoo News têm motivos para comemorar um ano de parceria: os dois sites alcançaram a maior audiência digital nos EUA, com 59,1 milhões de visitantes únicos em agosto, 11% a mais do que o ano anterior, segundo dados da Nielsen. Em mensagem aos funcionários, o […]