Friday, 10 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1320

Artigos de lgarcia

In the quest for speed and quantity, there’s still a place for quality

Consider this the second of three installments in what I’m calling The False (And True) Dilemmas In Finding Your News Industry Business Model. Last time it was the question of B2B vs. B2C. Next time it will be paid vs. free. For this post, my true-and-false dilemma is content quality vs. content quantity From corporate […]

Parceria comemora um ano com maior audiência online dos EUA

  A rede de TV ABC News e o site Yahoo News têm motivos para comemorar um ano de parceria: os dois sites alcançaram a maior audiência digital nos EUA, com 59,1 milhões de visitantes únicos em agosto, 11% a mais do que o ano anterior, segundo dados da Nielsen. Em mensagem aos funcionários, o […]

Is Twitter good for democracy?

The first presidential debate was the most tweeted US political event in history. Does it matter According to Twitter, more tweets were sent about the first US presidential debate between Republican nominee Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama than any other political event in the United States. That's not saying much, considering that Twitter didn't […]

Governments and internet firms are wrestling with the rules for free speech online

  THE arrest of a senior executive rarely brings helpful headlines. But when Brazilian authorities briefly detained Google's country boss on September 26th-for refusing to remove videos from its YouTube subsidiary that appeared to breach electoral laws-they helped the firm repair its image as a defender of free speech. Two weeks earlier those credentials looked […]

Can The Boston Globe and MIT hack the future of news together?

The Boston Globe is looking to borrow some of MIT’s toys to change the way it reaches readers and reports on the community. Thanks to $250,000 in funding from the Knight Foundation, the two Boston-area institutions will be working closely on practical ways to innovate within the newsroom. What the Globe gets is access to […]

Facing up to the high cost of free news

Is there a quality argument to support the digital ads-only model? Pretty soon, proponents of free digital news will have to own up to the implications of their model. The structure is flawed. To rely on online ads as the sole source of revenue is both unsound in theory, and in practice it's having disastrous […]

Apresentadora critica, ao vivo, telespectador que reclamou do seu peso

  Jennifer Livingston, âncora de um noticiário local matutino da WKBT-TV, afiliada da CBS, na cidade americana de Lacrosse, em Wisconsin, recebeu um email agressivo de um telespectador, o advogado Kenneth W. Krause: “Oi, Jennifer, não costumo assistir seu programa matutino, mas o fiz por um período curto hoje. Fiquei na verdade surpreso por testemunhar […]

10 ways to prevent plagiarism, fabrication at college newspapers (and in any newsroom)

Multiple news organizations have recently found themselves in the middle of plagiarism and fabrication scandals – NPR, The Wall Street Journal, Wired and The Boston Globe to name a few. Last week, Penn State's student newspaper The Daily Collegian suspended a writer for plagiarizing and fabricating quotes by Sue Paterno, the widow of former coach […]

10 ways to prevent plagiarism, fabrication at college newspapers (and in any newsroom)

Multiple news organizations have recently found themselves in the middle of plagiarism and fabrication scandals – NPR, The Wall Street Journal, Wired and The Boston Globe to name a few. Last week, Penn State's student newspaper The Daily Collegian suspended a writer for plagiarizing and fabricating quotes by Sue Paterno, the widow of former coach […]

Election season gives major daily newspapers ripe testing ground for video work

This election season has continued online news' march toward video – particularly video produced by news organizations that haven't historically been known for it. Here's a look at how three major U.S. newspapers treated the political conventions as an opportunity to produce video that isn't television. "None of the things we're doing now even existed […]

Grupo de fiadores do fundador do WikiLeaks deverá pagar R$ 300 mil

  Nove pessoas, incluindo o vencedor do prêmio Nobel de Medicina, John Sulston, que são fiadores do fundador do WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, devem pagar 93,5 mil libras (mais de R$ 300 mil) depois que ele violou os termos de sua liberdade condicional. Assange pediu asilo, em junho, na embaixada do Equador em Londres, para evitar […]

Mediador Jim Lehrer é alvo de críticas

“Não vou dizer que fiz um trabalho fraco”, afirmou o mediador Jim Lehrer, ao final do primeiro debate presidencial de 2012 entre os candidatos Barack Obama e Mitt Romney, realizado na noite de quarta-feira (3/10), em Denver, no Colorado. Essa, no entanto, não foi a opinião de muitos críticos. Era a 13ª vez do veterano […]

O historiador do século XX

  Na segunda metade dos anos 1930, quando Eric Hobsbawm era bolsista em Cambridge, uma pergunta circulava entre seus amigos comunistas da universidade britânica: “Existe algo que Hobsbawm não saiba?” Havia algumas coisas. Talvez a principal delas era que a crise da década de 1930 não seria a crise final do capitalismo. “Achávamos que seria, […]

“Punch” e seu tempo, na visão do ex-editor-executivo Max Frankel

  Quando Arthur Ochs Sulzberger sentia algum tipo de preocupação com o que era impresso no New York Times, “Punch”, como todo mundo o chamava, descia onze andares até o escritório do editor e, humildemente, aguardava a vez de ser atendido. “Poderíamos, por favor, dar a notícia do casamento da filha de um anunciante importante? […]

Debate presidencial será moderado mais uma vez por Jim Lehrer

Nesta quarta-feira (3/10), pela primeira vez na campanha de 2012, o candidato democrata Barack Obama e o republicano Mitt Romney irão enfrentar-se em um debate que  muitos consideram o evento mais importante daqui até a eleição do dia 6/11. Depois de meses de propaganda e de troca de farpas, os candidatos ficarão finalmente sozinhos na […]

How does ProPublica do it? Can it scale?

  I received an intriguing email alert last week from ProPublica – the nonprofit organization that, according to its mission statement, does "journalism in the public interest." The email announced that ProPublica's "nursing home inspection" tool now has a completely searchable database of "140,000-plus" reports from government inspections of these facilities for seniors, many of […]


  The many tributes to Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, who died Saturday, have prominently included his defense of the nation's First Amendment freedoms and the Jeffersonian ideal of a free and independent press, and rightly so. Saving The New York Times from near-collapse in the 1970s by strengthening its financial base and diversifying its content was […]

The metrics we really need from Twitter are not the metrics we have

  Twitter co-founder Ev Williams acknowledged Monday that available metrics like follower counts are not great measures of success. At a panel discussion in New York hosted by BuzzFeed's Jonah Peretti, Williams said the follower count "doesn't capture your distribution. … The dream metric is how many people saw your tweet." And coming from Williams, […]

U.S. Is Tightening Web Privacy Rule to Shield Young

Federal regulators are about to take the biggest steps in more than a decade to protect children online. The moves come at a time when major corporations, app developers and data miners appear to be collecting information about the online activities of millions of young Internet users without their parents' awareness, children's advocates say. Some […]