Friday, 10 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1320

Artigos de lgarcia

How does ProPublica do it? Can it scale?

  I received an intriguing email alert last week from ProPublica – the nonprofit organization that, according to its mission statement, does "journalism in the public interest." The email announced that ProPublica's "nursing home inspection" tool now has a completely searchable database of "140,000-plus" reports from government inspections of these facilities for seniors, many of […]

Projects on U.S.-Mexico border, development in Brazil win Online Journalism Awards

  A student project that explored the migratory effects caused by drug violence along the U.S.-Mexico border and a comprehensive reporting package on the ongoing development of Parana' state in Brazil won the Online News Association’s 2012 awards for non-English projects during the ONA’s latest conference in San Francisco. “Mexodus,” published by Borderzine, a bilingual […]

The metrics we really need from Twitter are not the metrics we have

  Twitter co-founder Ev Williams acknowledged Monday that available metrics like follower counts are not great measures of success. At a panel discussion in New York hosted by BuzzFeed's Jonah Peretti, Williams said the follower count "doesn't capture your distribution. … The dream metric is how many people saw your tweet." And coming from Williams, […]

O publisher que transformou o New York Times

Arthur Ochs “Punch” Sulzberger, que foi publisher e presidente do New York Times Co. durante momentos épicos do jornalismo americano, morreu no sábado (29/9), aos 86 anos, em sua casa, em Southampton, Nova York. A família anunciou a morte, após uma longa doença. Sua mãe, Iphigene Ochs, era filha do fundador do jornal, Adolph Ochs. Seu […]

Liberdade de expressão na era do YouTube

O vídeo anti-Islã Inoccence of Muslims (A Inocência dos Muçulmanos, em tradução livre) trouxe à tona o debate enfrentado diariamente pelas empresas de internet sobre que manifestação de expressão é permitida e onde. Ocasionalmente, elas têm que explicar como decidem isso, que leis e valores seguem e como distinguem entre o que é nocivo e deve ser […]

MIT and the Boston Globe: can universities reboot news outlets?

A two-way partnership will allow the Boston Globe to tap into the research prowess of a university. The arrangement may be another way to reinvigorate traditional news outlets. As old school news outlets struggle to find their footing in the digital world, a new partnership between two flagship Boston institutions presents some intriguing possibilities. The […]

Smartphone news readers are driven by psychological rewards

  People who use smartphones to get local or national news tend to prefer emotionally rewarding content like sports and videos over negative content like disasters and crime, according to new research. A study by the Reynolds Journalism Institute and HCD Research compared people's media use patterns to their fundamental psychological motivations (seeking rewards vs. […]

Sites de notícias locais formam associação nos EUA

  Durante uma conferência anual em Chicago que reúne representantes de sites americanos de notícias locais, na semana passada, cerca de 100 editores independentes celebraram o lançamento de uma associação sem fins lucrativos de apoio à crescente indústria de jornalismo hiperlocal. O grupo Local Independent Online News Publishers (Lion), que será presidido por Dylan Smith, […]

Traditional Strategy Is Dead. Welcome to the #SocialEra

  When I say, "Social is and can be more than media," people resist. It's as if the two words (social and media) are now permanently fused together. But they shouldn't be. The fact that they are joined at the hip in so many people's minds means that marketing agencies are thriving — but that […]

Google Expected to Surpass Facebook in Display-Ad Sales

  GoogleInc. is expected to surpass rival Facebook Inc. in selling online "display" advertisements in the U.S. this year, according to a new estimate by research firm eMarketer Inc. The result would mark a milestone for the Web-search giant, with Google for the first time holding the "triple crown" of online advertising by taking the […]

A poluição gerada pelo armazenamento de dados digitais

  Em 2006, o vice-diretor de tecnologia do Facebook, Jeff Rothschild, teve que agir rápido para resolver um problema: os computadores da rede social estavam quase derretendo. A empresa estava armazenando, em um pequeno espaço alugado, os servidores que processavam as informações das contas dos seus membros. A eletricidade que ia para os computadores estava […]

Charges de Maomé provocam debate sobre liberdade de expressão

  A revista satírica francesa Charlie Hebdo publicou na quarta-feira (19/9) uma série de charges do profeta Maomé e deflagrou uma nova onde de indignação entre muçulmanos e de condenação por parte dos líderes franceses, enquanto se alastram os protestos provocados pelo filme Innocence of Muslims (Inocência dos Muçulmanos, tradução livre) no mundo islâmico. As […]

In Defense of the Power of Paper

  PAPER still matters. The frequent whirring of printers in offices – despite the Internet, Microsoft Word, social media, scanners, smartphone apps and PDF files – attests to that. We may use less of it than we once did, but reading and writing on paper serves a function that, for many workers, a screen can't […]

Conventions offer opportunity to revisit fact-checking, journalists with opinions

  Last Thursday night's Democratic National Convention lineup got four million tweets flyin, double Twitter's weekly average for political tweets, Emily Schultheis reports. Less data-y, but maybe more important: "I wouldn't be shocked if a fair amount of the attention paid to the convention was through Twitter primarily," said GOP strategist Patrick Ruffini of EngageDC, […]

On Campus, an Experiment to Save Local News

  From the rattling cicadas at twilight to the willow trees bending in the late summer heat, the lush campus of Mercer University seems like the last place to find one of the nation's boldest journalism experiments. This fall, Mercer, a 179-year-old former Baptist school, is starting an ambitious $5.6 million project to try to […]

Survey: U.S. publishers optimistic about future of newspapers

  A survey by Missouri School of Journalism's Reynolds Journalism Institute finds that most publishers of U.S. dailies remain optimistic about the future of newspapers: 40% are "somewhat optimistic," 25% are "very optimistic," 4% are "not optimistic," and 31% are neutral. Do you ever envision a time when your organization will not publish a printed […]

Maybe This Is Why Newspapers Are Failing: Boring Headlines

  On road trips, including the one I took recently between Tampa, Florida, and Charlotte, North Carolina, I habitually buy a local newspaper every time I stop to buy gas, food, or coffee. As my colleague Garance Franke-Ruta can attest, the result is frustrated muttering about the product. For various reasons, I think local newspapers […]

Newspapers get $1 in new digital ad revenue for every $25 in print ad revenue lost

  The newspaper industry' s effort to cover print advertising losses with digital ad gains, weak in 2010 and 2011, deteriorated further in the first half of this year. Newspaper Association of America advertising statistics, posted last week, show $798 million in print losses for the first half of 2012 compared to the same period […]

Kate e William ganham primeiro round na batalha sobre fotos

  O príncipe William e Kate Middleton ganharam, na terça-feira (18/9), o primeiro round em sua batalha pela privacidade, com o mandado que determina que a revista francesa Closer está proibida de vender ou voltar a usar imagens feitas do duque e da duquesa de Cambridge num castelo particular, na França. A guerra, no entanto, […]

CNN and the business of state-sponsored TV news

Today I reported on the refusal of CNN International (CNNi) to broadcast an award-winning documentary, "iRevolution", that was produced in early 2011 as the Arab Spring engulfed the region and which was highly critical of the regime in Bahrain. The documentary, featuring CNN's on-air correspondent Amber Lyon, viscerally documented the brutality and violence the regime […]