Friday, 10 de January de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1320

Artigos de lgarcia

CNN and the business of state-sponsored TV news

Today I reported on the refusal of CNN International (CNNi) to broadcast an award-winning documentary, "iRevolution", that was produced in early 2011 as the Arab Spring engulfed the region and which was highly critical of the regime in Bahrain. The documentary, featuring CNN's on-air correspondent Amber Lyon, viscerally documented the brutality and violence the regime […]

Want to produce hirable grads, journalism schools? Teach them to code

Learning how to make software for storytelling and how to realize news presentations into code are currently the hottest, most pressing skillsets journalists can study. There has never before been more urgency for our industry to understand enough code to have meaningful conversations with technologists. And yet if you attend any event with a collection […]

‘Good Girls’ Fight to Be Journalists

WHEN I graduated from college, before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 took effect, sex discrimination was legal. I wanted to write for a newspaper or newsmagazine, but despite an armload of credentials and skills, I soon learned the score: Women could do research, be secretaries and, if very lucky, work for the ghetto called […]

Newspaper Audience Rise, Digital Revenues Yet to Follow

More people read newspapers than ever before, thanks to the many ways they now can be read, but publishers have not yet found ways to match that growth with revenues from digital platforms, the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) said Monday in its annual update of World Press Trends. According to the […]

NBC ignora momento de silêncio

Às 8h46 da manhã do dia 11/9, ABC, CBS e Fox transmitiram ao vivo o minuto de silêncio de familiares das vítimas dos atentados, em cerimônia realizada no memorial em Nova York, marcando o minuto quando, há 11 anos, o primeiro dos dois aviões atingiu um dos prédios do World Trade Center. A NCB, no […]

Tomàs Delclós

  “Los anuncios de hallazgos científicos, particularmente cuando se trata de temas que despiertan la imaginación, deben ser tratados con prudencia. ¿Qué habría sucedido si el diario no se hubiera acercado con saludable escepticismo al experimento de un equipo italiano que aseguró haber detectado neutrinos que se desplazaban más rápido que la luz cuando, posteriormente, […]

Pentágono ameaça processar ex-militar por livro sobre operação no Paquistão

  O Departamento de Defesa dos EUA ameaçou processar Matt Bissonnette, ex-membro do Comando Naval para Operações Especiais (Seal, sigla em inglês) que narrou em livro, em primeira pessoa, o ataque que resultou na morte de Osama bin Laden, no Paquistão, no ano passado. Ainda assim, o advogado do autor e a editora do livro, […]

Links rápidos permitem inserção integrada de vídeos e imagens

  Leitores mais atentos podem ter percebido uma compilação de links atípicos em uma matéria do New York Times, publicada no início de agosto, sobre assédio sexual no mundo dos jogos online. Os links tinham um destaque azulado e ícones pequenos que, quando clicados, abriam vídeos ou imagens – que ficavam sobre a matéria, mas […]

Hurricane Isaac coverage shows the promise of a hybrid model for news

  A lot of hand-wringing goes into wondering what the future of journalism will look like. Will digital or multimedia journalism serve readers better than print? What role will social media play in the future? How will so-called citizen journalists and professionals coexist? I think we got a glimpse of that future with coverage of […]

Why newspapers need to get to know their readers better

  We’ve pointed out before how Facebook and Twitter face the same kind of problem that the mainstream media industry is struggling with — namely, finding enough advertising revenue to make up for the fact that they are essentially giving away their content (or in the case of Facebook and Twitter, giving away a platform […]

How the Media Adapt When News Is Scarce

  Strange things are happening inside the media workspaces at the Republican National Convention. The Washington Post has built a miniature television set in its offices, complete with a comfy sofa and coffee table reminiscent of "The Oprah Winfrey Show." The Huffington Post, that emblem of new media's speed and vigor, is putting out a […]

A journalist’s quick guide to Reddit, the next thing you have to learn

  Sure, Reddit was already the unofficial “front page of the Internet,” the soul of all things meme, the secret sauce behind BuzzFeed’s viral posts, a breaking news curator and a Q&A forum for journalists, celebrities, newsmakers. But then President Obama did a surprise Q&A appearance Wednesday that nearly crashed servers and drew almost 23,000 […]

The Ann Arbor Precedent

  Nearly 1,000 bundled Ann Arborites lined the city's downtown sidewalks during a snowstorm in February 1985, waiting to enter a three-story Art Deco office building on East Huron Street. The residents weren't waiting to see a politician speak or to watch a well-known musician play, two events that might draw such a crowd in […]

Jornalistas criticam novas regras da rede social

  A ideia de que o Twitter seria uma fonte de notícias de credibilidade e uma plataforma para jornalismo colaborativo, em especial em tragédias ou movimentos revolucionários, pode estar com os dias contados, comenta Zach Dyer no blog do Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas [27/8/12]. Recentemente, foram anunciadas mudanças na interface de programação […]

Editora-executiva não gosta de acusação de parcialidade

  Em sua última coluna como ombudsman do New York Times, o jornalista Arthur Brisbane escreveu que seus colegas no jornalão “compartilham um tipo de progressismo político e cultural” que “virtualmente sangra pela estrutura” do jornal. Ele afirmou ainda que repórteres do diário chegam a tratar algumas questões liberais, como o movimento Ocupe Wall Street e […]

Why WikiLeaks is worth defending, despite all of its flaws

  Most of the recent attention around WikiLeaks has been focused on the legal issues surrounding its controversial founder, Julian Assange. But we shouldn't let that blind us to what the organization has accomplished and the critical role it plays as a "stateless news organization." By now, anyone with even a passing interest in the […]

The value of homepages is shifting from traffic-driver to brand

  Moving on from newspapers, journalism industry soothsayers are now predicting the decline of something much younger: the homepage. As with newspapers – which haven't so much disappeared as been pushed off center stage – few are saying that homepages will disappear completely. But as more people enter news sites sideways – via search engines, […]

Líderes islâmicos acusados de reprimir trabalho da imprensa

  Algumas atitudes recentes por parte do governo egípcio contra jornalistas têm sido objeto de críticas da imprensa e de acusações de que o novo presidente islâmico, Mohamed Morsi, estaria tolerando – e até empregando – as mesmas táticas truculentas usadas pelo ex-presidente Hosni Mubarak para reprimir dissidentes. No início do mês, as autoridades suspenderam […]