Friday, 18 de October de 2024 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 24 - nº 1310

Artigos de

Venerable Format of ‘NewsHour’ Struggles With New Era of Media

For many of its 38 years, the sober studio-interview format of the “PBS NewsHour” has served the program well, drawing viewers and corporate underwriters alike. But with a deep financing crisis forcing layoffs and other cutbacks this week, some public television employees believe that format — and a general unwillingness to embrace the digital realities facing […]

Can’t Hide in the Cloud

Most Internet users were disabused of the notion that their online activities could be kept entirely secret long before the recent revelations that the National Security Agency has been tracking the phone calls and online communications of millions of people. And to a great degree, consumers have traded privacy for convenience — like having Web […]

Can’t Hide in the Cloud

Most Internet users were disabused of the notion that their online activities could be kept entirely secret long before the recent revelations that the National Security Agency has been tracking the phone calls and online communications of millions of people. And to a great degree, consumers have traded privacy for convenience — like having Web […]

Abigail Heyman, Feminist Photojournalist, Dies at 70

Abigail Heyman, a photographer whose stark portraits of women at work, at home and at weddings gave a visual concreteness to feminist doctrine of the 1970s about the oppressiveness of traditional female roles, died on May 28 at her home in Manhattan. She was 70. The cause was heart failure, said her son, Lazar Bloch. […]

Can’t Hide in the Cloud

Most Internet users were disabused of the notion that their online activities could be kept entirely secret long before the recent revelations that the National Security Agency has been tracking the phone calls and online communications of millions of people. And to a great degree, consumers have traded privacy for convenience — like having Web […]

Can’t Hide in the Cloud

Most Internet users were disabused of the notion that their online activities could be kept entirely secret long before the recent revelations that the National Security Agency has been tracking the phone calls and online communications of millions of people. And to a great degree, consumers have traded privacy for convenience — like having Web […]

Can’t Hide in the Cloud

Most Internet users were disabused of the notion that their online activities could be kept entirely secret long before the recent revelations that the National Security Agency has been tracking the phone calls and online communications of millions of people. And to a great degree, consumers have traded privacy for convenience — like having Web […]

How to Monetize Plagiarism

This is a column about Jonah Lehrer, the 31-year-old disgraced former New Yorker writer who recently — sigh — landed a contract for a book about love. (Yes, love.) But I want to start by recalling another disgraced former magazine writer: Stephen Glass. Glass was once a Washington wunderkind, who wrote remarkable articles filled with fabulous scenes and […]

Regina Lima

“Com participação de ouvidores da Argentina, do México, do Canadá, da Colômbia e da Espanha, a Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC) realizará, nos dias 24 e 25, em Brasília, o Colóquio Internacional de Ouvidorias de Comunicação Pública – A Prática do Direito do Cidadão à Informação e à Comunicação, em parceria com a Ouvidoria-Geral da […]

NSA: Coleta de dados ajudou a frustrar dezenas de planos terroristas

Membros da Agência de Segurança Nacional dos EUA (NSA, na sigla em inglês) afirmaram nesta terça-feira [18/6], em depoimento ao Comitê de Inteligência da Câmara, que os programas de vigilância do governo já ajudaram a evitar atividades terroristas mais de 50 vezes desde os ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001 – 10 delas tendo […]

Regina Lima

“Com participação de ouvidores da Argentina, do México, do Canadá, da Colômbia e da Espanha, a Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC) realizará, nos dias 24 e 25, em Brasília, o Colóquio Internacional de Ouvidorias de Comunicação Pública – A Prática do Direito do Cidadão à Informação e à Comunicação, em parceria com a Ouvidoria-Geral da […]

Gannett amplia atuação no mercado com compra da Belo

A Gannett, maior editora de jornais dos EUA, irá comprar a Belo Corporation por US$ 1,5 bilhão (mais de R$ 3 bilhões), em um acordo que quase dobra o portfólio de TV do grupo – de 23 para 43 emissoras locais – e expande seu alcance para quase 1/3 dos lares, ocupando o quarto lugar […]

Acionistas aprovam plano de divisão da News Corporation

A maior parte dos acionistas da News Corporation aprovou formalmente, em uma reunião especial em Nova York, um plano para dividi-la em duas empresas, uma de publicação impressa e uma de mídia e entretenimento. Segundo o presidente e executivo-chefe Rupert Murdoch, o nome News Corporation ficará com as empresas de publicação, como os jornais britânicos […]

Governo do Irã impõe restrições à cobertura eleitoral

O governo iraniano tomou medidas severas para garantir o controle sobre a cobertura da eleição presidencial, marcada para esta sexta-feira [14/6]. Jornalistas e observatórios de mídia internacionais afirmam que a maior parte dos pedidos de visto de organizações de imprensa para cobrir o pleito foi negada ou simplesmente ignorada. Os profissionais que conseguiram vistos têm […]

Manning Supporters Are Loud and Online

Call it Pfc. Bradley Manning Inc. As the widely anticipated trial of Private Manning — the former Army intelligence analyst accused of leaking classified government documents — opened at a military base in Maryland on Monday, a grass-roots activist network has already blossomed in his support. The Bradley Manning Support Network has a Facebook page, […]

Fechamento de rede estatal de rádio e TV provoca protestos

Milhares de manifestantes se reuniram na manhã de quarta-feira [12/6], em Atenas, em protesto ao fechamento, no dia anterior, da rede estatal de rádio e TV ERT. A medida faz parte do plano de ações do governo para diminuir o inchado setor público do país em crise. Há três anos, a Grécia pediu ajuda financeira […]

Intelligence Chief Calls Leaks on U.S. Data Collection ‘Reprehensible’

The top intelligence official in the United States condemned as “reprehensible” leaks revealing a secret program to collect information from leading Internet companies and said a separate disclosure about an effort to sweep up records of telephone calls threatens “irreversible harm” to the nation’s national security. The comments by James R. Clapper, the director of […]

Top Murdoch Executive Denies Hacking Charges

Rebekah Brooks, the former chief executive of Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper operations in Britain, appeared in court on Wednesday and denied charges relating to the country’s phone hacking scandal, which has sent shock waves through the press, the police and the political establishment. In Southwark Crown Court in London, Ms. Brooks, 45, entered a plea of […]

A luta para manter a internet livre do controle dos governos

O primeiro encontro de governos mundiais para debater o futuro da internet terminou numa dramática discórdia, com 55 estados-membros de um organismo das Nações Unidas recusando-se a assinar um tratado global sobre telecomunicações internacionais. O fracasso das conversações assinala a primeira batalha daquilo que será um desafio duradouro para definir a governança e o controle […]

Disruptions: Silencing the Voices of Militants on Twitter

  Twitter, perhaps more than any other social media outlet, has become one of the most powerful tools to promote democracy in the Middle East. The service, which helped Arab Spring protesters in their drive for a new order in the region, is now under attack over aiding and abetting terrorist organizations. Along with six […]